ROW 1 - LEFT to RIGHT: Lynn Vroman, Theresa Madore, Linda Yamada, Connie Rogers, Marilyn Gray, Maggie Allen, Kathy Gregory, Wanda McLean, Cordy Kawamoto.
ROW 2: Mr. Carlson - Advisor, Charles Miglianti, John Comfort, Richard Barnhart, James Cohn, Doug Smith, Rodney Blake, Mrs. Benjamin - Advisor.
ROW 3: Barbara Miller, Brenda Coager, LeRoy Cornell, Wayne Richmond, William Palmer, James Hinkley, Chris Wheeler, Ann Bower, Melanie Post.
ROW 4: Bruce Palmer, Dorothy LaLonde, Elaine Worden, Tina Svegl, Laura Burdick, Dawn Laing, Norma Nichols, Kathy Lentine, Tim Kelso.
ROW 5: Marc Decker, William Seward, Ricky Joedicke, Linda Rogers, Debra Chichester, Linda Mauger, Mary Lou Benkert, John Maison, Joseph Dibble.
ROW 6: Micky Hillis, Ronald Hait, John Rice, Gary Rockefeller, Eric Haynes, David Schabloski, Tyrone Hill, Rocky Fletcher.
The 1969 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1969 Almedian