SEATED: Dorothy Merwin, Joan Dyer, Treasurer, Elton Murdock; Secretary, Elinor
Abram; President, Phyllis Truran; Vice President, George Hansen; Linda Kenyon,
Renate Rabeler.
STANDING: Ted Archibald, Louise Brockway, Margaret Kenyon, Tom Stevens.
The 1958-1959 Student Council has been very busy and active this year. Since
the point system went into effect last year, we have been busy making
permanent filing cards for each student, and recording various points earned.
An insert with our school emblem, an ram's head, was ordered for merit.
Besides this we have collected money for the Junior Red Cross Campaign. A
courtesy campaign (like the one held last year) was sponsored. Also the
council planned to sell sweatshirts and sponsor a talent show.
The 1959 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1959 Almedian