As the winds were gently blowing
Through the great Catskills,
The Class of '59 stood together
Proud and still.
With the traditional eagerness of seniors,
We looked forward to our Washington stay,
As community support followed our dances
And Mr. Jordan directed our play.
Our Christmas Ball was a gay holiday
And slwoly our Almedian was composed.
Our hops, a supper, the basketball games,
The senior-junior plays saw our treasury grow.
At last, there before us the capitol stands,
The flag waving freely above.
Soon sadly but hopefully we graduate
From the secure life we love.
We bow to our advisor and officers;
Our thanks are many and loud
To the principal, parents, and teachers,
And the greatest of all, to God.
The 1959 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1959 Almedian