First row: Bruce Guttridge, Dennis Hill, Leon Champlin, Richard Milewski, Mr. Albert Palm, advisor; Cecil Cairns, Vance McEntee, Stanley Carmody, James Migli, Dennis Brockway, Jerry Migli.
Second row: Denneth Martin, George Skog, Donald Ackerly, Ernest Hitchcock, Ronald Leal, Dennis Nichols, Roderick Hillis, Thomas Burdick, Robert Cairns, Edward Palmer, Howard Russell.
President: Richard Milewski
Vice President: Dennis Hill
Secretary: Ernest Hitchcock
Treasurer: Ronald Leal
Reporter: Bruce Guttridge
Sentinel: Jerry Migli
Advisor: Albert Palm
Colors: National Blue and Corn Gold
Motto: Learning to do, Doing to learn, Earning to live, Living to serve.
The South Kortright Dairy Boys chapter of the Future Farmers of America have had a very active year.
During the summer we had a meeting and softball game to which our dads were invited. We won over $100 at the Walton Fair and had three members attend State FFA Camp. Robert Cairns served as county treasurer.
Cecil Cairns served as vice-president of the State Association and attended many FFA meetings in southeastern New York State.
Cecil Cairns, Robert Cairns, Richard Milewski, Dennis Hill and Mr. Palm attended the 29th National Convention at Kansas City. At this convention the South Kortright Chapter won its third bronze emblem. This is a very high honor as only two chapters from each state may compete.
In January, Cecil Cairns, Richard Milewski, Dennis Hill, Ronald Leal and former member Richard Nesbitt visited Governor Harriman at Albany to assist in proclaiming the week of February 16-23 as Future Farmer week in New York State.
The 1957 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1957 Almedian