FIRST ROW: Yvonne Cook, Joseph Dusavage, Francis McMullen, Bernard Smith, Howard Vrooman, Mary Pardy
SECOND ROW: Barbara Beken, Beverly Brown, Betty Rosecrans, Norma Gault, Hillis Johnson, Allan Frazier, Richard Hitt, Bonnie Brown, Mary Lowry, Rose Bellino, JoAnn McKillip
THIRD ROW: Betty Kathmann, Barbara Rosecrans, Betty Ann Beken, Georgianna Preston, Inez More, Arleen Coager
The Dramatic Club is a new organization this year. The first semester they put on two one-act plays for assembly and planned another assembly for the second semester.
The 1954 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1954 Almedian