FIRST ROW: Allan Frazier, Yvonne Cook, Mary Pardy, Beverly Brown, Betty Ann Beken, Bernard Cleveland
SECOND ROW: Chauncey Smith, Howard Vrooman, Doris Wheeler, Norma Gault, Rose Bellino, Lewis Briggs, Fred Dibble
THIRD ROW: Wilford Barnhart, Bernard Smith, Alta Grant, Beatrice Muthig, Inez More, Francis McMullen, Joseph Dusavage
President - Howard Vrooman
Vice-President - Rose Bellino
Secretary - Norma Gault
Treasurer - Doris Wheeler
Class Colors - Purple and Gold
Flower - Iris
Motto - Sit on the tack of success and rise rapidly.
The 1954 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1954 Almedian