FIRST ROW: Esther Dunham, Doreen Yanson, Seth Chichester, Larry Cairns, Gertrude Thompson
SECOND ROW: Emmett Martin, Helen Martin, Frieda Sander, Bob Bligh, Lewis Briggs, Patricia Messing, Helen Davis, Rex Accurso
THIRD ROW: Alice O'Blinski, Joan O'Blinski, Grace Guttridge, Mary Jane Askew, Karin Sandin, Marilyn Doig, Mary Scofield
President - Seth Chichester
Vice-President - Doreen Yanson
Secretary - Esther Dunham
Treasurer - Larry Cairns
Class Flower: Blue Carnation
Class Motto: God give us serenity to except things we cannot change, courage to change things we can, and wisdom to know the difference.
The 1953 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1953 Almedian