Senior Statistics
Barbara Cook | cheerleader | blondes | South Pacific | a wallflower | beautician
Albert Conklin | witty | homework | Delhpine | worries | Joe E. Brown
Dorotha Dart | quiet | chewing gum | "a man" | flirts | nurse
Margaret France | readhead | criticizers | "a date" | stays out late | married
Lawrence Gilmour | sissy | "Acc'tuate the Positive" | art | swears | hairdresser
Kurt Gunther | comedian | to miss anything | Eleanor | quiet | athlete
Harold Hait | bashful | dates | square dances | talks to girls | bachelor
Wilbur Haynes | handsome | being good | dates | loses temper | Mormon
Derwood Lifgren | in love | party lines | notes | has work done | sailor
Betty MacDougall | tall | to stay at home | Stamford | robs the treasury | another Dorothy Dix
George Miglianti | a man | fickle women | Ellen | flunks S. Studies | another Valentino
George Murphy | "the Sphinx | assignments | ag. | has dates | chicken farmer
Don Pardy | sarcastic | to stay awake | good stories | two-times | lifeboy forhorn
Bertha Parker | an actress | to argue | Laura | cries | on the stage
Claude Parker | dignified | work | Claude | unfriendly | an actor
Ruth Rose | cute | going steady | music | lies | in technicolor
Betty Rowe | respected | catty people | marriage | two-times | a school teacher
Alfred Smith | farmer | gossips | a Junior | speeds | soldier
Stanley Sturgess | dark | school | Buicks | has a hair cut | movie producer
Laura Travell | amiable | dieting | Bertha | travels | "champeen" girl athlete
Dorothy Visser | friendly | dancing | studies | cuts up | missionary
The 1945 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1945 Almedian