Back Row (left to right): Stanley Sturgess, Joseph Golon, Wallace Rich, Kurt Gunther, Charles Olmstead, James VanBuren, Donald Pardy, Edwin Benedict.
Second Row (left to right): David Benson, Albert Conklin, George Vermilyea, Coach Wesel, Richard Rivanera, Howard Rich, John Peters.
Front Row (left to right): James Cillis, Wallace Many, J. Vroman.
The baseball season started with only one or two regular players, last year, because there had been no baseball team of the year before. After three weeks of practice we were ready to start the season. We won all of the scheduled games through the efforts and outstanding pitching of "Chuck" Olmstead and Porky Gunther. We consider it a very successful season with eight wins and one loss. It will give future teams a goal to strive for and it will take a good group of ball players to do it.
The 1945 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1945 Almedian