Principal's Address con't.
ening of community, rather than an agent of its decline.
I wish every individual good fortune and ample opportunity to accomplish your individual goals while helping others accomplish theirs.
Philip K. Chien
Board of Education
LEFT TO RIGHT: Wally Street, Betty Ingles, Claude Turk, George Miglinti
Mrs. Laing,
We would like to thank you for all the nice things you have done for us and we hope in some way that this might contribute to your happy memories shared at S.K.
The Yearbook Staff
Mrs. Benkert,
We would also like to thank you for the wonderful job you have done in building up our bodies. You have done a wonderful job and we hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have.
The Yearbook Staff
The 1974 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1974 Almedian