junior high chorus
ROW 1: J. Laing, D. Barnhart, H. Beacraft, B. Havrish, D. Hoffman, T. Stewart.
ROW 2: L. Goodspeed, D. Gehres, B. Gehres, S. Adams.
ROW 3: V. Collins, L. Sandin, C. Fletcher, J. Dibble, D. Mattice, K. Olsen, M. B. Gillete, B. Adams, K. Warden, J. Aikens, T. Wheeler.
ROW 4: P. Yamada, M. Barber, J. Rich, J. Many, G. Salvini, L. Hait, T. Inman, J. Wright, L. Rich, C. Dibble, C. Davis, B. Rich, D. Melin, N. Beacraft, K. Wheeler.
And she still smiles after 40 minutes!
No, Tina, only two can play the piano at once!
The 1973 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1973 Almedian