Catch her before she faints!
But Jim, a brown purse just doesn't go with white bells.
Here I come world, ready or not!
ROW 1 - left to right: Linda Yamada, Debbie Chichester, Laura Burdick, Tina Svegl, Bill Benkert, Jaine McIntosh, Linda Mauger, Jim Hinkley, Jack Benkert, Denny Rockefeller.
ROW 2 - Mr. Alicino, Joe Zepka, Mark Chichester, Chris Wheeler, Joe Peletz (in tree).
Junior Council
SEATED - Left to Right: Mrs. Kenyon, Preston Norris, John Whiteman, Suzanne Evans, Cindy Vroman.
STANDING: James All, Bob Georgia, Larry Worden, Mike Peletz, Frank Dibble, Terry Cairns, Karen Olsen, Cathy Simmons.
The 1971 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1971 Almedian