ROW 1 - LEFT to RIGHT: Louie Donofrio, Alice Van Wormer, Vickie Quackenbush, Lena Allen, Diane Pitt, Melanie Miller, Donna Temple, Gary Meagley.
ROW 2: Miss Gadsby - Advisor, Mark Gehres, Gordon Hait, Phyllis Drake, Cindy Fletcher, Patty Roy, Sharon Chase, Carol Clark, Harry Maison, Gregory Hillis, Mrs. Maxon - Advisor.
ROW 3: William Sutton, Joyce McLean, Mary Jane Tuttle, Alice Bower, Jane McIntosh, Phyllis Titch, Kathy Stone, Paula Dorosky, William McLean.
ROW 4: Tom Maison, Joe Zepka, Phyllis Milewski, Melanie Rice, Cheryl Haynes, Patricia Flaherty, Amy Ackerman, Bradley Craft, Mike Wetmore.
ROW 5: Mike Maholchic, Ted Kosier, Harry Craft, Larry Chase, Donald Perry, Robert Adams, Danny Collins, Danny Grant, Mark Chichester.
Class Officers
President - GARY MEAGLEY
Vice-President - MIKE WETMORE
Treasurer - ALICE BOWER
The 1969 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1969 Almedian