ROW 1: Left to Right: Linda Hafele, Dawn Laing, Diana Cook, Shirley Whitney, Kathy Davis, Barbara Titch, Sue Johnson, Linda Yamada.
ROW 2: Left to Right: Tina Svegl, Donna Craft, Cathy Yamada, Ricky Joedicke, Dianne Rabeler, Mary Stoeckel, Brenda Rice, Mrs. Laing.
ROW 3: Left to Right: Linda Bakker, Bernadette Zepka, Nan Gould, Janice Hait, Debbie Chichester, Kay Cornell, Christina Moore.
Absent: Joyce Peletz, Jackie Martin.
The 1968 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1968 Almedian