1st Row: Jasper Speciale, Alice Moore, Mary Thompson, Karen Martin, Arthur Turnier, Joy Street, Beverly Palm, Margaret Lehner, Eugenia Morse, Dennis Hill.
2nd Row: Donna Yarter, Donna Gavett, Donna Champlin, William Van Buren, James Burns, Richard Kathmann, Howard Travell, Sandra Hoyt, Fay Nesbitt, Patricia Post.
3rd Row: Victoria Abram, Tona Davidson, Cletus Benjamin, Warren Peter, Charles Smith, Leonard Hunter, Richard Martin, Richard Milewski, Robert Cairns, Joyce Alton, Doreen Hitchcock.
President - Joy Street
Vice President - Art Turnier
Secretary - Beverly Palm
Treasurer - Karen Martin
Flower: Forget-me-not
Colors: Blue and Silver
Motto: "Look to the future; forget the past. Live each day like it were the last."
1st Row: Goldie Caple, Patty Quackenbush, Mildred Burdick, Carolyn Berry, George Skog, Margaret Kenyon, Nancy Cline, Catherine Reed, Harriet Surace, Grace Kathmann, Priscilla Briggs.
2nd Row: Anne Marie Archibald, Joan Dyer, Margaret Place, Mirdza Vejins, Eva Cornell, Phyllis Truran, Elizabeth Burns, Mary Lutz, Judith Relation, Dorothy Collins, Sally Craft.
3rd Row: John Bellino, Adele Kissner, Jo Ann Askew, John Pardy, Ernest Hitchcock, Bruce Guttridge, Lloyd Dibble, Ronald Leal, Leon Champlin, Edna More, Norma Briggs, Jerry Migli.
President: Margaret Kenyon
Vice President: George Skog
Secretary: Nancy Cline
Treasurer: Catherine Reed
The 1958 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1958 Almedian