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SKCS Yearbook 1957•50 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1957•50 South Kortright Central School Almedian


Damaris Yanson, Sherrie Nesbitt, Emma Palm, Joan Dyer.


Barbara Migli, Fay Nesbitt, Margaret Lehner, absent: Joan Rose



We started our long journey through school in 1944 in kindergarten with 25 class members, of which only eight are now left. Little did we know of the things that would happen in the next twelve years.

After spending three years scattered among the three schools in our system, we all got together in the fourth grade. From this time until we reached our freshman year we caused many of the teachers to acquire quite a few more gray hairs. We all especially enjoyed the student teachers and Jim Cowan's little kittens during these years.

We started our high school years as freshmen in 1953 with Miss Russ as our homeroom teacher. We elected our officers as follows: John Oblinski - President, Carol Floss - Vice President, Donna Decker - Secretary, and Joan Rose - Treasurer. We now had thirty four class members - many had left us and some had come to help increase our number. We had a wonderful time finding our way around and making sure everyone knew that we had become freshmen.

We studied hard and found ourselves one step closer - sophomores! We had thirty-three class members now with Miss Russ as our Homeroom advisor. We put some money in our treasury by depositing $8.97 from the hatcheck the juniors were kind enough to let us have.

Here we were juniors, already! We started this year with a brand new teacher nad advisor -- Mr. Brownell. We elected the following officers: President - Joan Rose, Vice-President - Robert Maxon, Secretary - Barbara Migli and Treasurer - Donna Decker. This was a prosperous year for us since we were allowed to raise some money for our senior trip. We put on a one-act play along with the seniors and split the profits. We also worked hard and added our share of the Magazine Campaign Sales money to our treasury. Our theme, "Hawaiian Moonlight", provided us with ideas for a beautiful gym. We crowned Barbara Migli our queen and James Smith as our king.

Here we are at last - seniors! It didn't take as long as expected. Mrs. Moore is our homeroom advisor and we have twenty members with eight candidates who plan to join us. We started the year right by electing our officers as follows: President - James Smith, Vice-President - Robert Maxon, Secretary - Joan Rose, and Treasurer - Donna Decker. We started working right away by selling refreshments and sponsoring games on School Fair Day. We sold refreshments at soccer games, held bakesales and sold several issues of Kortlights. The Magazine Campaign was successful and added a large chunk to our growing treasury. The P.T.A. bakesales and the selling of refreshments at basketball games also helped. Our Senior Play, "Adams's Evening", was a great success which we all enjoyed putting on. Our Senior Ball, "Snow Ball" on December 28 was our last great project. The gym was gaily decorated in blue and white with a Christmas tree in the center. We all are looking foreward with much anxiety toward our Senior Trip to New York. We are busy planning what we will do and see as this book goes to press. Our future plans include selling refreshments at the Grande Old Ball, February 15, which promises to e a success and holding a dance March fifteenth.

We all are proud of our class rings which we received at the beginning of the year. Although we are looking forward to the coming years, we are sorry to leave S.K.C.S. We will surely miss it and all the great times we have had. We all agree that these have been the best years of our lives.


The 1957 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1957 Almedian