"We are all part of an eternal scheme of things, happy workers on a pyramid that grows ever nearer the stars"
Mr. E. A. Burke,
Supervising Principal
Board of Education
Standing (left to right: James Davis, Bruce Nesbitt, James Cowan, vice-president; Donald Rose, treasurer; Edwin Doig.
Seated: Lester Rowe, clerk; George Many, president
Mr. M. C. Carpenter,
Superintendent of Schools
First row: Mr. Lansing Townsend, Mrs. Betsey Gunther, Mrs. Elizabeth Burke, Mr. Edward Burke, Miss Ellen Russ, Mrs. Helen Moore, Miss Alice Norberg.
Second row: Mr. James Smith, Mr. Arthur Brownell, Mr. Boyce Rogers, Mrs. Margaret Row, Mrs. Marian Wilson, Mrs. Dorothy Hoyt, Miss Edna Gadsby.
Third row: Mr. Albert Palm, Mr. John Stebbins, Mr. Philip Chien, Mr. Gerald Leonard, Mr. John Stivers, Miss Helen McDivitt.
First row: Mrs. Evelyn Clark, Mrs. Jean Stebbins, Mrs. Bessie Peebles, Miss Ethel Rose, Miss Helen Gould.
Second row: Miss Fannie Pogue, Mrs. Alyce Townsend, Mrs. Elinor Cairns, Mrs. Elizabeth Chien.
Third row: Mrs. Alice Krick, Mrs. Josephine McDougal, Miss Gladys Whitney, Mrs. Helen Hall.
Fourth row: Mrs. Louise Hunt, Mrs. Grace Roberts, Mrs. Frances Thompson.
The 1957 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1957 Almedian