Front row: James Smith, Leonard Burdick, Richard Martin, Charles Colling, Jack Speciale, Coach Reed, Pete Colling, Arthur Turnier, Douglas Ackerley, William Van Buren.
Second row: Kenneth Brockway, Eugene Olsen, Bill McIntosh, John Appleman, Hillis Johnson, Edward Brainerd, Richard Milewski, Harry Rockefeller, Edward Slavinski.
Third row: Dwight Brockway, Richard Nesbitt, Cecil Cairns, Daniel Bower, Arthur Van Buren, Kent Many, Charles Palm.
SK - Opponents
11 - Davenport 4
9 - Roxbury 2
10 - Stamford 2
0 - Grand Gorge 8
11 - Davenport - 2
9 - Roxbury 2
6 - Stamford 6
2 - Grand Gorge 12
1954 Gym Demonstration
New York State Electric and Gas Corporation Essay Contest
Mr. Ramon Elwood, Mr. Thomas MacCaffrey, Richard Bligh, County winner, Barbara Beken, honorable mention, Mrs. Helen Moore.
The 1955 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1955 Almedian