At the beginning of another school year
the Senior Class has started to fear
the many debts they'll have to pay
before going to New York - they say.
This is the month as you can see
for spooks to come out since it's hallow'een.
The Harvest Dance which all enjoyed
was put on by the F. F. A. boys.
More fun had we to present to thee
JANUARY THAW with acts 1, 2, and 3.
First basketball game was jolly,
we beat Delhi -- by golly.
With Christmas vacation we did our back work
and then to return to school and Mr. Burke.
Starting off the New Year right (?)
Some doing regents and wishing they were bright.
How nice it is that a half year has past.
But jeepers doesn't school go fast?
The girls have started their merry chase,
but golly what a rat race.
Since this is leap year the girls will go
to find their long awaited beau.
Our kids were some of the best -
when their public speaking was put to the test.
The Seniors embarked on their journey one day,
to a big, wide city far far away -
From 14th to 16th we shall never forget,
how the Seniors enjoyed such a wonderful trip.
Spring has sprung Love has awakened -
Here it is almost time for vacation.
The concert was greatly enjoyed by all
and we'll be glad to hear it again next fall.
Whoopee! It's here at last
the end of the school year which has gone so fast.
We're sorry to leave you, we fell almost blue,
but there's nothing more left here for us to do.
The 1952 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1952 Almedian