Kurt Gunther
Yearbook Staff
(Left to Right): Harold Hait, Wilber Haynes, Elizabeth Rowe, Elizabeth MacDougall, Donald Pardy, Kurt Gunther.
Co-Editors - Elizabeth Rowe, Wilber Haynes
Associate Editors - Elizabeth MacDougall, Donald Pardy
Business Manager - Harold Hait
Art Supervisor - Kurt Gunther
Advisor - Miss Parsons
This year South Kortright Central is having
it's first printed yearbook, under the sponsorship
of the Class of 1945 and the advisorship of Miss
Parsons. Part of the financial responsibiility is
being assumed by the Senior Class. We hope you
enjoy your copy.
The 1945 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1945 Almedian