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Year: 1942
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SKCS Yearbook 1942•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1942•14 South Kortright Central School Almedian


A is for Aldrich, an intelligent brat.
B is for Buel, who simply loves cats.
C is for Cillis, who is always cold.
D is for Davis and Peg's hand to hold.
E is for Eleanor, a timid soul.
F is for France, so tiny, but bold.
G is for George with his black, curly hair.
H is for Hait who for hours will stare.
I is for intelligence which most of us need.
J is for Jensen, who always does a good deed.
K is for Kitty, of whom Bill will say.
L is for Leon, who sleeps all the day.
M is for Miglianti, he looks for a queen.
N is for nobody, do you know whom we mean:
O is for Oh, nuts, I can't think of a thing.
P is for Pardy, who likes to sing.
Q is for Quickness, which applies to our class.
R is for Rivanera, who is bold as brass.
S is for Simmons who always does her part.
T is for teachers, they think they are smart.
U is for you, we hope you are not bored.
V is for Virginia, we hope she won't hoard.
W is for why do we keep this up without defeat.
X is for Xmas, for each one a treat.
Y & Z we find nothing so we are content to end this rhyme.


Do you all remember just a year ago today?
When those sneaky, dirty Japs gave a blow to the U. S. A.?
They came in sneaking up the coasts, took our boys all on surprise
Made our own United nation, every single Jap despise.

Our boys have fought them bravely, and lost their courage not,
And they tried darn hard to lick those Japs, right on that very spot.
Our boys wanted freedom, and freedom it would be,
When the red, white and blue, stood out for Liberty.

And our boys kept "Old Glory" flying high into the sky,
And saved our dear "Pearl Harbor", how thankful you and I;
The Japs they did some damage, they started up our fears,
But I bet they will be awfully sorry, in a few more months or years.

------Helen Buel



FIRST ROW - Arnold Gilmour, Dorothy Briggs, Veronica Hadden, Anne Peters, Marian Craft, Lillian Ekseth, Helen Bright

SECOND ROW - Chauncey Whitney, Virginia Smith, Betty J. King, Elizabeth Rich, Bernice Bright, Jennie Tyler

THIRD ROW - Ralph Many, Lawrence Murphy, Clayton Benedict, Floyd Mauer, William Davis, Everett Simmons, William Barber, Norman Sturgess

MISSING - Mildred All


The 1942 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1942 Almedian