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Year: 1933
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SKCS Yearbook 1933•40 South Kortright Central School Almedian
SKCS Yearbook 1933•40 South Kortright Central School Almedian


School Calendar

Sept. 6 -- Faculty arrives and are at once examined by the pupils, who approve (for a wonder).

Sept. 20 -- Seniors recognize that the Freshmen are brighter than they.

Oct. 9 -- Report cards are sent home with much disapproval by parents.

Nov. 22 -- Eight pupils show their ability to compare with Webster and Bryan.

Nov. 23 -- Much confusion as it is the day before vacation.

Dec. 6 -- Bloomville comes to play the first game of basketball, expecting to win by a score of 100-1, but goes away disappointed.

Jan. 5 -- Everyone arrives at school wearing his Christmas presents.

Feb. 1 -- Stamford journeys here to play basketball. They, too, go away disappointed.

Feb. 18 -- Senior Party. This was the first real acquaintance with the faculty.

Mar. 24 -- Hobart High basketball team defeats the undefeatable "Kellogians."

Apr. 1 -- Nine Seniors and two Juniors "go on the Boards", taking up acting as their profession.

May 5 -- Pictures were taken. The Yellow Jackets is the only picture which has to be taken over, because of the forgetfulness of Mike Barlow.

May 18 -- Freshman party. Faculty shows that they are still children.

May 25-26 -- The Gentleman from Georgia reveals his true personality.

May 29-30 -- Memorial Day vacation.

June 2 -- Beginning the week-end when all pupils start studying (for regents).

June 23 -- All pass out -- of the door.




Just Imagine

Austin Foote not talking.
Chaine Gregory early for school.
Bill Simmons not teasing people.
Teddy Carson not wanting to go to a dance.
Clara Milewski and Emma Vercelli not talking with the boys.
Seniors all agreeing.
Mr. Smith squelching "Rink".
Kitty Davis not sucking a lollypop.
Everyone paying attention in History C.
Miss Wicks walking slowly.
Mr. McCandlish knowing where his keys are.
Leland Ploutz not arguing with Effie Roberts.
Marshall Misner with his hair combed.
John Post talking back.
Miss Wicks not coming into Mr. Smith's room to ask questions.

Mr. McClandlish: "Did you get the second problem?"
Tee: "No."
Mr. Mc.: "How near were you to the right answer?"
Tee: "Four seats away."

Emma: "Mother, Tommy tried to kiss me at the party last night.
Mother: "How dare he?"
Emma: "He didn't. I dared him."

Teacher: "Now, I wish all you boys would sit up."
Bright student: "Humph. I thought we were supposed to sit down."

Visitor, looking over study hall: "How many study here?"
Teacher: "About half of them."

Mr. Smith: "Rink, where is the largest part of the U. S. navy?"
Rink: "In the water."

Mr. Field: "What course do you expect to graduate in?"
Pupil: "In the course of time."

Barber: "Do you want a hair cut?"
John B.: "No, I want them all cut."
Barber: "Any particular way?"
John B.: "Yes, off."

Mr. McCandlish: "Now, Effie, what is a niche in a church?"
Effie: "Why, it is just the same as an itch anywhere else, only you can't scratch it as well."

"My rose," he said, as he pressed her velvet cheek to his.
"My cactus," she said, as she encountered his stubble.

Mr. Smith: "What has become of the little red school house?"
George: "Is it painted white."

Storekeeper: "What size shoe does your brother wear?"
Brother: "He wears sevens, but he likes eights so well, he buys nines."

Teacher: "Now, Tommy, what is a hypocrite?"
Tommy: "A boy that comes to school with a smile on his face."

Those who cannot see through our jokes, please copy them on very thin paper and put it against the window pane. If you can't see through them, then see us or an optician.



The 1933 Almedian - South Kortright Central School Yearbooks - SKCS 1933 Almedian